Setting | Terapia Intensiva | |
Versione originale |
Anno pubblicazione | 2005 | |
Estremi pubblicazione | "Development of the American association of critical-care nurses' sedation assessment scale for critically ill patients." De Jong MM, Burns SM, Campbell ML, Chulay M, Grap MJ, Pierce LN, Simpson T. Am J Crit Care. 2005 Nov;14(6):531-44.
Abstract | Clinicians commonly sedate critically ill patients. Sedatives should be administered to achieve predetermined end points. Most currently available scales used to assess sedation are inadequate because they focus on a single domain, such as consciousness. The development of the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses' Sedation Assessment Scale is described. This new scale consists of 5 domains: consciousness, agitation, anxiety, sleep, and patient-ventilator synchrony. A major advantage of the scale is that its domains parallel common goals of sedation therapy for critically ill patients. The proposed measurements for each domain are based on a comprehensive evaluation of the science and expert recommendations. Before the scale is widely used, clinical testing is required to determine its validity and reliability in a variety of critically ill patients and care situations. |
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Modalità di richiesta | Strumento ad uso libero. | |